Saturday, May 12, 2007

My first post

At 4 AM, waking from my sitting up sleeping position on the couch, I became very emotional and began to cry. For the 1st time in my life, I truly believed I was vulnerable and this fucking disease could really kill me. That's when I decided to write this blog. I need a way to express myself, all my emotions, and the journey I am taking to the end of my life. I update my kids periodically as to what's going on, but now that's not enough for me. I need a way to express myself and talk about the leukemia when the need hits me.
As I go thru this, I'll back up and talk about what actually happened in my life since I was diagnosed 8 months ago as well as what's happening now. There have been good times and bad. My wife Arlene has been great and has provided me with strength. She's also been the most grounded in providing me with practical solutions. Bless her.
One thing I do not want this blog to be is a poor me, poor me, poor me kind of blog. Like most of my attitude in life, I want it to be a positive experience

1 comment:

Cory said...

I've been reading Arlene for a little while now. It's great to meet you Matt!!!