Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some Answers

"Right now, the leukemia is the least of your concerns". That's a direct quote from my oncologist at Kaiser.
I saw the endocrinologist yesterday, and basically she told me that I need surgery on my parathyroids. My hormone level is high and my calcium level is high normal. The parathyroid hormone is basically a calcium regulator and too much of the hormone will cause your bones to lose calcium and become weak. That is what is happened to me and why I fractured my hip and have had compression fractures in my ribs and spine. She needs to do 2 more tests - 24 hour urine and parathyroid scan - to confirm the diagnosis, then hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the hospital I go. At least I have an answer. It's a "short surgery" involving an overnight stay. I also found out that I HAVE SHRUNK 4 INCHES in the last 7 months. Amazing. Arlene and I are the same height. I never knew I would become a little person. My BMI shot up to over 28 from 25. I've gone from 165 to 158 lbs, but I guess I'll have to lose some weight now too.

I also saw my oncologist yesterday. The bone marrow biopsy shows very little change from the previous biopsy. The leukemia is stable and the least of my concerns. He also cut my labs down to every 2 weeks instead of every week. YEA - 1 less trip to kaiser. He also urged me to get the parathyroid surgery in case I had any doubts. During the exam, while checking my spleen, I felt a sharp pain from my ribs and I yelled out. I think I scared the shit out of the doctor. I hope he didn't cause a fracture on a rib - he says no or I would continue to feel pain. Guess what - today I'm feeling pain in the area. I'll let him know.

This morning I saw the orthpedist. I'm done with him - the hip fracture has healed nicely, even though I still can't walk normally without pain in my back. He says to continue my walking exercise to strengthen the area and not to worry about hunching over. I will do that as well as work with physical therapy. I can walk a little bit without any help - cane, walker, etc, but then I get pain in my back and hunch over. This will take time to work out.

I did see the report on my bladder cancer - non-invasive and low grade was how it was described. I have to see if there's another way to monitor me other than sticking a scope up my dick every 3 months.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty positive about what I've learned. Now I'll see my oncologist at UCSF, confirm everything my kaiser doc told me, and continue with my life, enjoying the things that I have and the loving people around me.


Shannon said...

Holy cow you are dealing with a LOT Matt! I think your positive attitude is going to help you tremendously. I wish you the very best as you go into your parathyroid surgery. AFter your next two tests, when are they going to schedule this surgery?

What's the plan for your bladder cancer? Are you taking any meds for this?

Arlene seems like she's a wonderful lady :-)

Cory said...

When it rains, it pours. I'm sorry you're having to go through so much. But you have a great attitude about it!

Matt said...

Hi Shannon:
My bladder cancer is gone. It was a low grade, non-invasive cancer that was surgically removed. This type of cancer may come back, so they have to monitor me. If it reoccurs, it will be surgically removed.
The parathyroid surgery is a work in progress and I hope to have it done before thankgiving.
And I don't know how I could have gone thru all this without Arlene.

Suzy said...

OMG Matt! You certainly have a lot to deal with at the moment. You have a wonderfully positive attitude and that really helps with recovery. You are an inspiration!