Monday, July 16, 2007

Another First

Yea for me. Today I had labs done at Kaiser, like I do every Monday. I drove there by myself - No Arlene in the car. I had no problems. I also ran errands, like getting the car washed, getting a new toilet seat (I broke the old one-don't ask how), picking up a few items at Trader Joe's. I was gone for 2 1/2 hours. Arlene, for the 1st time in over 3 months, had the house all to herself for that time. WITHOUT ME.
When I got back, I was tired. Very tired. Arlene made me lunch. Good lunch - a reward for my morning efforts. I ate the lunch and turned on the TV, and promptly fell asleep.
I decided that I wanted physical therapy, even though my orthopedist thinks its a waste of time. I want it if for no other reason than I want someone to monitor me over the next 3 months since I don't see him for almost 3 months and I want to make sure what I'm doing is correct. I requested the therapist that worked with me over 5 years ago when I broke my arm near the shoulder. I credit her with me regaining full use of that arm again. If he doesn't give me a referral, I will go to war over it.
Lab results came in while writing this blog. Values are still stable although platelets are slightly down. I'll screw around with the herbals some more to help get them up.
UPDATE- I checked my e-mail after I published this blog, and there was a note from my orthopedist approving the referrel to physical therapy. Man- he got back to me fast. I sent him the e-mail 40 minutes ago and didn't expect a response for at least a day. I guess I won't have to go to war.


Cory said...

Glad to hear you'll be able to get the PT. That's great. It will probably do you a LOT of good over the next few months.

Moby Dick said...

YOUDAMAN!! Keep it up!