Thursday, July 5, 2007

More steps

Yesterday, July 4th, I took a big step. Arlene and I went to the movies. We saw Sicko. This is the first time I've been out of the house for a purely social or fun thing. I took my walker and we managed to get an isle seat. The movie was over 2 hours long and after about 1 1/2 hours, the seat was getting uncomfortable and I was squirming for the last 1/2 hour. Moral: See shorter movies for now.
We had also planned to go to dinner after the movie at one of our most favorite restaurants, which was conveniently located next to the theater, but it was closed for the 4th, so we'll save that for another time.
I continue to walk with my walker, and today we're returning the wheelchair. I'm generally tired after each walk and feel sore. Sometimes I feel like I've overdone the walking, but the next day I generally feel better. I continue to take steps with no support and I can walk across the room. That's a confidence builder. If anyone wants to race me, now's a good time. I see the orthopedist next Monday and hope that the fracture is healing correctly and that he starts me on physical therapy soon.
My CMML remains stable, but the platelet count is down slightly. I see my oncologist later this morning and will see what he has to say about it, if anything. I've made a slight adjustment in the natural medicines I'm taking, mainly to lower the number of pills I take each day. I'm so so tired of taking so may pills each day, but I'm also convinced they've helped me keep stable. We will see. I know that at some point, the CMML will no longer be stable and I'll have to be treated, but I hope that day is well in the future


Cory said...

It's great that y'all were able to get out and do something. Seeing a movie is awesome! I have trouble sitting through movies that long as well. :) I hate to hear that the restaurant was closed, but at least you have something to look forward to.
Good work continuing your walking, and I hope that you hear good news Monday!

Matt said...

Thanks Cory. I'm sure that I'll soon be doing physical therapy in addition to my walking.